“Ravishing Danny Scheie guides ‘A Tour’ like no other.”
An interactive theatrical experience from the comfort of your own table.
A House Tour of the Infamous Porter Family Mansion with Tour Guide Weston Ludlow Londonderry…At Home is a surreal and occasionally unreal audio/visual journey through the former mansion (now a museum) of the infamous, ultrawealthy and highly eccentric couple, Hubert and Clarissa Porter, led by your worldly, singular (and incredibly particular) tour guide, Weston Ludlow Londonderry.
It was a play, and now it’s all happening in your home.
Touch furniture. Stroke walls. Come face to face with “The Stick of Butter That Changed Everything.” And, best of all, savor intimate, penetrating anecdotes and parables exuded by Weston in a style that will leave you wondering what he’s actually talking about.
A House Tour…At Home is a comedy about people who must live far outside the confines of mainstream society and how pleasurable it is to take a glimpse inside.